* Like most of you know we ended up moving to a bigger place. After finally getting settled in, we no later than 3 months get asked by our land lord to please vacate because of city ZONE-ING reasons. Neways i wont get into details unless you ask (LONG STORY). so grrr. right>?!! well i was searching for same price range, same county...just about to sign a contract with a place i was not satisfied with and then i thought ill try ksl one more time tomorrow morning before i finalize everything. i get on KSL first thing that next morning and there was that home i was hopeing and praying i would find, and seriously it was listed for no longer than i believe 6 minutes. i called the person (that land lord), found out i was the 1st caller. Well went and checked it out. Turned out i LOVED it like i knew i would. so now here we are in a better place from when we started!
* Derek finished his RN program at UVU with all A's and one B!!!!!
-----Fyi...more updates to come, im so out of time. the pictures are so out of order (im so sorry) but its better then none right;)
Dish say's he's got nothing! lol jk dale love you xoxo

my brother Dale with sister seraphina

my brother Dale with sister seraphina
i love it so much it hurts =)

spencer loves and misses his auntie!!!
she is so much fun to be with, so helpful with everything, and so funny....(i was seriously laughing the majority of the time she was here!!
She flew in to Utah from Boston for 2 weeks to just hang out, shop n'play :)
I love this timne of the day SO MUCH
i just thought he looked so darn cute :]
Emmett loves to know he is getting in his high chair...cuz its eating time :)

* Emmett/Desirae*

Dallas loves his boat and takes it swimming EVERY-WHERE

my baby **muwahhh emmett!!
We always have such a great time letting our kiddos play,
while we laugh, hang out,and catch up on life.
with the family
daddy and emmett sat in the water as the little fishy's swam around them,it was tricky but with daddy's mad skill's he caught emmett one in a cup to show him up close and personal :)
derek was so cute...aftre emmett having a fish u kno all the kiddos needed to have one of there own for a min. too...derek being the fisher man of the day did just that.
Way to go hunny!
(then we let them go all free)
Bath time every single night is a feild trip to splish splash
laughing mountain :)))) i really love it!
Looks like lots of fun! Can i just say how good you look!? You are so skinny!!! Way to go!
your family is so cute, Kimmie!! I love all of the pictures! way cute post!!! xoxo
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