Emmett at ONE YEARS OLD has been Denied for medical insurance....welfare---medicaid/Chip, blue cross blue shield, IHC---Select health and so on...
Q" Due to health condition(s) which are UNINSUABLE. UTAH INSURANCE REGULATION R590-176-5(3)requires that we provide you,the applicant,the specific health condition(s) that are uninsurable. These health conditions include,but are not limited to, history of RSV and recurrent respiratory infections."
Q" Due to health condition(s) which are UNINSUABLE. UTAH INSURANCE REGULATION R590-176-5(3)requires that we provide you,the applicant,the specific health condition(s) that are uninsurable. These health conditions include,but are not limited to, history of RSV and recurrent respiratory infections."
This is a very serious matter to me, and probably to all parents every where, I received my last denial letter on April 29th, 2010. They were happy to insure all other 3 of my children DESI, SPENCER, DALLAS...because they NEVER GET ILL. Emmett has Had NO insurance since 4/1/10.
Emmett had a fever 103-104 for 9 days before rising to 105F on Sunday May 2nd. So I brought him to his pediatricians office knowing there was a INFECTION somewhere, and that it needed to be treated IMMEDIATELY. They sent us to the hospital to have multiple tests done. Poor Dallas was so upset that the nurse and doctors were "hurting" (scaring) his little brother.
They drew blood, took a urine test, did a CT scan and a terrifying lumbar puncture, ALL with no MEDICAL insurance. The doctors office BLESS there PURE hearts did NOT CHARGE ME for their work, but the hospital was not so nice. I am so grateful for his wonderful pediatrician and his staff/team of doctors (DR. Connor and DR. Mumford)!!!
After monitoring him for one hour with his fever not breaking, they wanted him brought to ER because they thought that Emmett might have MENINGITIS or a BONE INFECTION. The ER admitted him into the hospital and after all the test came back, 30 hours later, Emmett was able to get released.
The hospital admission to Pediatrics, all tests, labs & medications, IVs, ct scan, spinal tap etc. all added together came to a VERY larger hospital bill. Thank heavens you don't have to tip the nurses.
Is this just me or is this insane and not fair?
what is a mother to do?
Oh my word!!!! That is so scary, and frustrating!! I need to teach you how to use essential oils!!! I teach several classes a week! Brayden used to go to the doctor/ER several times a month for his asthma and other illnesses. Since we started using the oils, we have only been to the doctor ONCE for a sickness in the past two years! We have gone for his well child check ups but he was healthy as can be.
They really are amazing and work SO WELL. I would love to help you, help Emmett!
Oh no! We are praying for you!!!
OH KIMMIE! i AM so sorry! Linkin does not have medical insurance either right now.. hasnt since january 2010. He got an ear infection in march and I HAD to take him in.. i got a hefty bill in the mail that we ll be paying off for a while. I applied for CHIP last week.
hopefully we arent denied!
my prayers will be with baby emmett!!
I'm sorry Kimmie! It isn't fair. If you need anything please call me! Even if its just a night out with girl time and a shoulder to cry on! I'm here! I'm praying for you guys!
I wonder if Obama's new insurance policies will help you? We'll keep you in our prayers.
OH my gosh I am so so so very sorry to hear all of this kimmie! I hope your little guy is doing better now. I am really sorry about the insurance thing.. The insurance stuff sucks big time!
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