A Long story shorter:
Desirae No Cavities going on 2 years straight now =)
Spencer No Cavities going on 2.5 years straight now =)
Dallas ummmmm. lets just say Dr. Petersen said " Dallas is going to need to be worked on in his mouth from anywhere 30-45 min, Including 2 caps on his 2 front teeth. I was seriously in shock...Dr. Petersen called them all sippy cup Cavities. (SO SAD). He also said with kids as young and busy as your Dallas....we need to do this at a surgery clinic (90Th south) and we will need to put him out. We got it all planned out and on our calenders November 17Th (yesterday).
I have to say I was petrified after my experience last week with Emmett and his experience last week with getting the anaesthesia because (he was getting tubes in his ears).
That surgery took place on November 11Th, Emmett had to get Tubes because he was seriously at 7 months old on his 9Th ear infection (poor lil guy didn't even know what it was like to not have a ear ache). The trick with Emmett was to get him well enough to even get the surgery that was needed to help not get ill anymore. That's all said and done =) But Emmett was inconsolable on November 11Th pretty much all day long. Him and the anaesthesia chemicals didn't mix well with his body!!!! He was sooo mad, sad, scared, in pain, gassy...u name it! To the point he couldn't nurse for 3 seconds with out burping. His burps i guess burned his throat and all that pressure from the burp hurt his ears. It was a 24hr side affect after surgery. ahhh. But he is soooooo Happy now!!! No sickness, no cough, no nothing (except his Asthma) for a whole week now =)FYI keeping away from all the public at ALL costs has been worth it!
Back to Dallas, he handled his mouth surgery/anaesthesia very well yesterday. And is back today with his busy, loving LIFE self! The sippy cup caused so much more damage then I ever thought...it was not worth it!
Okay "So I have learned alot about what truly motherhood means".
1.Tuff Love (no more sippy cups at night)
2. Sacrificing yourself and your wants at ALL costs for the well-ness and well-being of your children Because they are the most Important calling you will ever be called with. And my children's happiness and healthy-ness is my Everything!! (not seeing or hanging out with any friends for like a long time (weeks), being at home/getting my babies all healthy).
PS ... mommy is going out tomorrow =)
New Teeth, New Smile, New Night Night Time method

A VERY happy healthy NEW "Mem-met"

I still haven't taken my boys to the dentist, I need to.. SCARY!! ugh. I don't floss their teeth, I SO NEED to! Your cute boys are growin up SOOO MUCH. SOOO dang handsome! :]
I had the same problem with Andy. I am so glad to see that you had white veneers put on. That's what we did too. otherwise he would go years with silver front teeth.
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