Okay everyone...Daddy is not the only one in training.... Our Cute Dallas is taking a big step in his Big LIFE and is "A BIG BOY NOW" He has been understanding the whole potty thing for like a month now. So I thought I should get him his very own Special seat, so he can try it out himself. This special seat has been doing the trick now for 5 days straight!!! He is still going in his Diaper, but once or twice a day he will let me know, or ill end up just asking him randomly through out the day. Yay Dallas, anyways We are so proud of him!!
So By-Bye Regular huggies and Hello Pull ups!!
As you all know, This is my first time Potty training...so to any mom's out there with any helpful tips, I am all ears, I want this to be Successful :)
#2)(Sunday-January 25th)Last night was really lots of fun, Derek and I are going to try and keep the TV off on Sundays and just play games as a family instead. Everyone is use to doing there own thing so this is a great change in our goals as a family...And It Also turned out a blast and we All cant wait till next Sunday's Game night with the Family :)
High School Musical mat FuN
#3)Dallas and I got out of the house with our great friends! We went with my friends, Kristie and Elise and their adorable Savannah and Reed to Cabelas and to let the kids walk around. They all 3 loved looking at all the diffrent animals, big and small, also the weird looking Fish. Dallas really had a lot of fun with his friends and also had lots of fun with the toy guns game. He loved the to pretend to shoot the animals in the wild,...but really he hit the ground with the laser gun most of the time. Seriouly I think it was the big bang bang noise from the gun that was the most fun, not so much hitting the animals/Targets =) "Boys will be Boys" Well, I can 4 sure say "I Got a real BOY"!!! Elise and Kristie, that was way fun we should do it again sometime, Thanks again for the Invite:)